How Does Energy Shift from Nest Renew Work?
Here’s how Energy Shift, a feature of Nest Renew, can support a clean energy future, right from your home¹: Did you know that the energy your home uses can change throughout the day? For some homes, energy may be cleaner when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing. And for some homes, energy may be more expensive when demand for electricity is higher. Now with Energy Shift, a feature of Nest Renew, your compatible Nest thermostat can help you make better use of these changes by automatically prioritizing usage of cleaner or less expensive electricity.² It can also slightly adjust your thermostat each season to help set more efficient temperatures while still keeping you comfortable. And although you may not even notice these small adjustments, you are always in control and can adjust your thermostat at any time. When we all act together, the impact can really add up. Learn more about Nest Renew here: ¹Nest Renew requires a 3rd generation Nest Learning Thermostat, Nest Thermostat E, or the newest Nest Thermostat (sold separately), connected to a Google account. ²Adjustments only shift electricity usage from your heating and cooling. Energy Shift is only available in areas served by major continental US grids, see here: Prioritize less expensive energy only available for customers on certain electric utility time-of-use rates: